Comet NEOWISE C2020 F3
I was very happy to have a new telescope and camera to capture Comet NEOWISE in the summer of 2020. Over this past year, I have been learning more about DeepSkyStacker, and finally managed to stack my photos with the comet aligned, rather than the stars. The comet moved noticably against the starry background over the approximately 14 minutes while I was taking this set of 21 30s exposures. This stack shows both the straight and slightly bluish ion tail and the yellow dust tail as well as the greenish glow of cyanogen around the core. I just wish we had more bright comets for me to practice my techniques on!br/ Date: 2020-07-24br/ Location: Athens, ONbr/ Equipment: Z73 + M100 unguidedbr/ Settings: 30s, ISO1600, stack of 21 light frames, 20 dark frames, flat field and bias frames in Processing: GIMP to crop, adjust brightness and increase colour saturation.