M55 Specter Cluster
This was a tricky star-hop, only possible in dark skies: aim at a wide double, 51 and 52 Sgr mag 5.5 and mag 4.5, east of the Sagittarius teapot handle. Move south past an upside-down Y of mag 7 and 8 stars, then another pair of mag 8 stars. M55 is just south of that pair. This globular cluster does not have a particularly bright core.br/ Date: 2020-08-11 br/ Location: Ardoch, North Frontenac, ONbr/ Equipment: Z73 + M100 unguidedbr/ Settings: 30s, ISO 1600, stack of 20 lights, 60 darks, 50 flats in DeepSkyStacker.br/ Processing: PixInsight for background adjustment, levels and colour, PhotoShop Elements to adjust size and add signature.