M33 Triangulum Galaxy
This galaxy is just a bit east from the Andromeda galaxy and is also within our local group of galaxies. However it is a bit more remote and a bit more face-on than the Andromeda galaxy so it is significantly dimmer. I was pleased to be able to get guided 3 minute exposures of this target.br/ Date: 2022-09-01br/ Location: Ardoch, North Frontenac, ONbr/ Equipment: Z73 + M100, guidedbr/ Settings: 180s, ISO 1600, 21 lights, 10 darks, 20 flats and 20 dark flats in DeepSkyStacker.br/ Processing: PixInsight for background neutralization, colour calibration, stretching, noise reduction and star erosion. Photoshop Elements for final resizing, sharpening and signature.