09 IC 1805 the Heart Nebula
strongIC 1805, Sh 2-190, LBN 654, Cr 26, Mel 15 /strongbr/strongEmission nebula /strongbr/IC 1805 (the Heart Nebula) is a large emission nebula located in the constellation of Cassiopeia at a distance of 7500 ly from Earth. The nebula is the result of glowing hydrogen gas excited by nearby stars. There are darker dust lanes as well as an open cluster (Mel 15). The clusterrsquo;s radiation is responsible for the intense red colour of the ionized hydrogen gas. I have tried with no success to see the nebulosity of this target. I used this nebula as my first attempt at trying an HOO palette image. Amazing resemblance to a heart shape and as soon as I can, Irsquo;m going to try filters to see if I can see even just a hint of the nebulosity visuallybr/strongAcquisition details ndash; /strongbr/Imaged December 2nd, 2020br/Imaged from my backyard in Sarnia, Ontario with my WO GT 81mm rig and Lenhance filterbr/57X180 sec lights + 25 each of darks, flats and dark flats