06 M51
strongMessier 51, M51, NGC 5194, PGC 47404, UGC 8493, Arp 85 /strongbr/strongQuestion mark galaxy, Rossersquo;s galaxy, Whirlpool galaxy /strongbr/strongSpiral galaxy /strongbr/I never could see more than just the two cores of this galaxy and one very faint arc between them visually. I always found it amazing how galaxies interact.br/M51 is an interacting Grand Design spiral galaxy with an active core. The two galaxies have been extensively observed by professionals and radio telescopes have confirmed that the two galaxies are indeed interacting. I can only begin to imagine how that affects the two galaxies. In my image, seeing the dust lanes and the apparent pull of one galaxy on the other is not only interesting but beautiful. M51 is located in the constellation Canes Venatici at a distance of approximately 25million to 30 million ly years from Earth. This is where to me, it gets mind blowing. My little amateur scope can actually capture light so distant and so old.br/As with all of the Messier targets, I didnrsquo;t just find M51 the traditional method of using star charts I also sketched ..then read a lot about it. I was fascinated by what I was learning. It was the first ever designated as a spiral galaxy, has an active star forming region and the companion may have actually passed through the galaxy. I went to see professor Brian Cox speak in Toronto and M51 was one of the deep space objects he spoke about.br/strongAcquisition details ndash; /strongbr/Imaged March 17th , 2021br/Imaged from my backyard in Sarnia, Ontario using my WO GT 81mm rig and Lpro filterbr/40X180 sec lights + 25 each of darks, flats and dark flats