NGC6992 aka The Eastern Veil Nebula
A supernova remnant from a star that was 20 times the size of our sun. It exploded 10 to 20 thousand years ago. This is only one part of the remnant I don't think that you can see it with the naked eye, but it's about 6x as large as the full moon in they sky. I took this with two narrow band filters, Ha, and OIII. Ha corresponding to red, and OIII corresponding to I took a shot of the western Veil Nebula last year. It's the other side of the same supernova telescope / lensbr/ William Optics Apochromatic 81/478 mm gt81br/ Imaging camerabr/ ZWO Optical ASI 1600 MM Pro (CMOS)br/ Mountbr/ Equatorial Losmandy GM811Gbr/ Guiding telescope / lensbr/ Astromania Refractor 60/240 mm Astromania 60br/ Guiding camerabr/ ZWO Optical ASI 178 MC (CMOS)br/ Accessoriesbr/ Focal reducer Wiliams Optical 0.8br/ Lights (filter OIII)18 x 600 secbr/ Lights (filter H-alpha)21 x 600 secbr/ Total lights integration time 6:30 hoursbr/ Processed withbr/ PixInsight (Pleiades Astrophoto) 73.0.3683.10