The Blue Snowball Planetary Nebula
I chose this tiny target (only 0.5 arcminutes in diameter) to see if I could push my ZWO AM5 mount to generate a detailed image through multiple, short exposures. By replacing the focal reducer on my Edge HD telescope with a Televue 2 x 2” PowerMate, I could get a whopping 4000 mm focal length! Although I did get a few usable images on one extraordinarily good night of seeing, it was too finicky. I eventually ditched the PowerMate, and succeeded in obtaining 400 usable, 10 second images in a 100-
minute interval between autumn Pacific storms on the soggy BC coast. I eventually relied on RC Astro’s BlurExterminator add-on in PixInsight to sharpen the image. Next time, though, I’ll use a more stable mount!
Telescope: Celestron 8” Edge HD (without focal reducer or Powermate); f/10, focal length 2000
Mount: ZWO AM5
Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI294MC Pro
Controller: ZWO ASIAIR Plus
Software: PixInsight, PhotoShop
Imaging: 600 x 10 s (gain = 120) = 100min
Date: October 24, 2022