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Location: my observing site on the cliff overlooking the lake near my residence near Elgin ONbr/Time and date: 2013-11-28 1234UTbr/Equipment and settings: Canon 60Da at ISO200, Canon 70-300 f/4-5.6 lens at 300mm f/10, on barn door tracker, 1/1000s exposurebr/Planning: none, I was out to try to see Comet ISON and the rising Sun beginning to peak through the trees prompted a quick getting an exposure that adequately captured the colour of the sky without totally blowing out the Sun's colour took some At the end of a long night of observing/imaging I was out to try to catch Comet ISON as it came out from behind the trees in the early morning sky, it was so quiet and still, the sky so wonderfully blue, the birdsong so lovely, that I found myself still outside as the sun began to peak through the trees so I took a half dozen quick photos. Did also capture the comet but only barely in very bright twilight.
Subcategory:Night Sky
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