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Location: parking lot just east of Fort Henry, Kingstonbr/Time and date: 2020-12-22 18:30ESTbr/Equipment and settings: Canon 60-Da at ISO800,br/Planning: it had been cloudy the day before, the day of closest approach. When the possibility of an evening clearing was predicted for a day when we would be in Kingston for shopping and appointments I determined to bring along my camera and tripod, 15x70 binos, and 0.2m f/5.6 Newtonian Dob (just what one normally carries for a trip to the grocery store.) It cleared off several hours early so we headed up to my planned shooting location of Fort Henry which I know would have a very low horizon and excellent opportunity to capture the planets over the lights of it was quite cold and very windy on the exposed hilltop. I had to keep to somewhat sheltered locations and protect the tripod as best I could from buffeting by the Lovely dark blue sky with dramatic sunset colours fading from brilliant yellow, orange, green, and darker and darker blue; view enhanced by the presence of several dozen cars full of others who were out to see the conjunction.
Subcategory:Night Sky
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