02_Sunrise_1.jpgbr/ Edmonton, 20150712 11:54 UT. 60Da 80-300mm @ 126mm f/4 1/800s ISO 200br/ Being in the middle of a forest fire smoke event, I knew to set my alarm to get up early (4:30!) and drive to a location that was reasonably distant to some buildings. A little too far, and no structures would be visible! Most of these buildings are at the University of Alberta 3.3km away. br/ Eight shots of the Sun were made at 3.5 minutes interval, manually adjusting the exposure down to 1/1250 ISO 100 to prevent the Sun from overexposing by checking how it looked on the preview screen. Back home I used quot;lightenquot; in GIMP to compose on top of the foreground, taken when the Sun was not visible in the frame (but it was there!).