11_StarTrail_1.jpg Canon 60Da 40mm prime f/2.8 10s ISO 6400 br/ 20191122 Eastern Saskatchewan. The interval was 11 sec for 24 minutes. br/ I counted 11 satellite and plane trails, but sadly zero Monocerotids for the camera. This is classic opportunistic shooting - while visually doing a meteor count, the camera on a tripod just clicks away. The usual precautions of a dew heater and dummy battery running off 12V was necessary for this otherwise frosty night in eastern Saskatchewan. The aurora cooperated by being quiet with just a few spikes now and then, not overexposing. For processing, I used ImageMagick via the command line, with a Perl script running a loop simply calling IM to use the quot;lightenquot; composite mode one frame after another in the directory.