10 Globular cluster 2 - M 13 v2
Date: Imaged 28 March 2019 (1:17 am) br/Location: Halifax, NS br/Equipment: Orion 80mm f6 ED-triplet refractor/ Canon EOS Rebel T3 camera; prime focus, unguided; ISO-800, 20 sec exposure/EQ6-R mount. br/Processing: 244 subs and 20 darks were captured as RAW16/CR2 images and converted to TIF images, which were then stacked using DeepSkyStacker without any other adjustments to the stacked image. Photoshop CS2 was used to adjust levels, curves (stretching data), and color balance/saturation, as well as for noise reduction. StarTools was used to repair slightly elongated stars and reveal the core stars. Microsoft Photo was used to tweak clarity, contrast, highlights, shadows, and exposure of the final jpg image. br/Comments: Messier 13 is referred to as the ldquo;Hercules Globular Clusterrdquo; due to its location in the constellation Hercules. This striking globular cluster seems to branch out into surrounding space and is flanked by a blue star and a yellow star.