M42br/1. the great Orion nebula incorporating M42 and M43 with the Running Man nebula NGC1977 to its northbr/2. Canon 60Da at ISO800, Takahashi Sky90 with reducer/corrector 90mm f/4.5, 50mm f/4 guide scope with QHY5II guide camera, iOptron iEQ45 mountbr/3. 22 x 15s, 28 x 60s, 9 x 240sbr/4. using varying exposures to avoid burning out the brighter areas; images at each exposure were stacked in Deep Sky Stacker, the resulting three images were then aligned in Maxim and then overlayed in Photoshop and manually erased and blended to show the best parts of each exposure, levels, curves, saturation adjusted. I minimized the amount of saturation increase in order to maintain the subtle colours