emFlaming Star/embr/1. an area of mixed emission and reflection nebulosity and star clusters in the middle of Aurigabr/2. Canon 60Da at ISO12800, Takahashi Sky90 with reducer/corrector 90mm f/4.5, 50mm f/4 guide scope with QHY5II guide camera, iOptron iEQ45 mount; a fake spider (tube with fishing line strung across the opening) was used to produce diffraction spikes on the brighter stars to make them stand out more and enhance the display of their colours.br/3. 30 x 120sbr/4. this was an experiment to see if using shorter exposures but very high ISO would yield good results. While the image turned out well, I prefer to shoot at lower ISOs as stars are less likely to saturate; images stacked in Deep Sky Stacker then enhanced in Photoshop; I pushed the saturation more than I normally would to pull out the star colours and the blue reflection nebula within surrounding Ha emission.