Milky Way
Taken on Meadow Beach, Kejimkujik National Park facing south on Oct 5, 2021 at 21:50 ASTbr/ The central portion of the galaxy in mid-autumn. br/ This is interesting for two Firstly, I was able to get an exposure that revealed both the foreground and the sky in the same shotbr/ (The shore and boat are illuminated by the lights of the washroom to my back)br/ Secondly, the lake surface was so calm the stars are reflected in the waterbr/ Jupiter is the bright object in the upper left. br/ Dust bands can be clearly seen in the galactic Taken with a tripod mounted unguided Canon EOS RP, 30quot; exposure, 10 mm FL, fnof;4, ISO 12800 br/ I increased contrast and applied noise reduction before resizing in Adobe Photoshop Express