Moon Mars & Jupiter
Taken July 20, 2022 at 04:57 ADTbr/ Mars, the Moon and Jupiter are seen in the Southern sky about 40 degrees altitude from the front of my apartment in Bedford NSbr/ This is a beautiful alignment of two planets bracketing the Moon just before dawn. br/ Mars, dull red, is seen on the left, the Moon (overexposed) is in the centre and bright Jupiter is on the right. br/ Neptune is actually in the field of view (to the right of Jupiter at the edge of the frame) but it is too dim to be captured in the image (see 03 Moon and a planet B in Supplemental images if desired) )br/ Taken with my iPhone 13 Pro Maxbr/ Settings: 26 mm focal length, fnof;1.5 1/5quot; ISO 1000 br/ Adjustments made in iPhone to enhance brilliance (21%), exposure (10%) saturation, contrast (57%), and decrease brightness (-19%), black point (-17%), highlights (-72%)br/ Image resized in Adobe Photoshop Express to 1200 x 900.