My motivation for imaging this target is to get a photograph of all the Messier objects I have found and sketched using the classic method. I like that I can see more individual stars in the photograph than I ever could visually. I was pleasantly surprised at how colourful the cluster and surrounding star field is.br/The globular cluster located in the constellation of Canes Venatici at a distance of 33,9320 ly from Earth. I find it fascinating that globular clusters, in general, orbit the Milky Way in a halo around the galactic core. Also, I am amazed by how ancient and distant they are compared to many of the nebulae and open clusters we view. M3 is estimated to be 11.4 billion years old. Not much younger than the Milky Way its self.br/strongAcquisition details /strongbr/Imaged February 21rst and March 4th, 2021br/Imaged from my back yard in Sarnia, using My WO GT 81 rig and Lpro filterbr/This image is a stack of 108X30 sec lights + 25 each of darks, flats and dark flats