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Globular Cluster NGC5139

Globular Cluster NGC5139

Caldwell 80 NGC 5139 Omega Centauri a globular cluster in Centaurusbr/Taken with a C14 Hyperstar with a QSI540 camera on a CGE Pro mount at Rusty's RV Ranch in Rodeo New Mexico in 2010-03-15br/Guiding with a SSAG Orion Short Tube 80 on topbr/4 120 sec suns each of LRGB at the F2 of the Hyperstar lensbr/This object is naked eye in Rodeo New Mexicobr/The Historybr/I was looking for a place in the southern USA where I could setup. I found Rusty's RV Ranch on Google maps in 2009br/ In the winter of 2010 i phoned them up and leased an RV on site for a week and then told my wife where we were goingbr/ Great trip, GREAT People and GREAT SKIES. One can see his shadow from the light of the Milky Waybr/Wind and dust are the only 2 issuesbr/ I told Ken From of All-Star Telescopes in Disbury (only 10 miles away from me) about the experiencebr/They found a resort to lease (Painted Pony Resort) and the All-Star Southern Party was startedbr/All-Star Telescope has taken groups down there for over 10 yearsbr/I told an avid astronomer friend of mine about it and he now has bought a house and lives down there for 6 months a yearbr/ With the Covid crisis going on it will stop my return trips but I have had 18 years of short term southern skiesbr/Made a lot of friends down therebr/ They emailed this year about when I am coming back down. I told them the borders are closed which they did not know. They were disappointed since I put on spur of the moment Astrophotography workshops when I do go
Subcategory:Night Sky
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