Comet Neowise
* Date: July 17, 2020
* Location: Claremont, ON (Bortle 4-5)
* Equipment:
* Lens: Nikkor 55-200 Zoom working at 200mm
* Main Camera: Nikon D5100
* Tracker: Omegon LX2 Mini Track
* Settings: exp. 63.8 sec., ISO 800, f/5.6
* Steps taken for picture: Using Google Maps; found a remote area north of Toronto for darker skies, Sideline 20 Rd.near Claremont… we passed a guy pulled over a little south of us who had his Dob setup to watch the comet… This was the best of several single exposure photos taken with remote shutter, post processing in Google Photos App. OMG: The Mosquitoes!