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NGC 281 - The Pac Man Nebula

NGC 281 - The Pac Man Nebula

The Pac Man Nebula (NGC 281) is a bright emission nebula, and part of an H II region in the constellation Cassiopeia. It’s located about 9500 ly away from earth, and features multiple B 1 stars, and several bok globules.
This image was taken on October 27th, 2022 through my 11” Celestron EdgeHD at F7, using the ZWO ASI2400 MC Pro colour camera atop an iOptron CEM70. It’s composed of 113x180s sub exposures, for a total integration of 5h 39m.
This image was taken from my backyard observatory, just outside of the the village of White Lake, Ontario.
Subcategory:Night Sky
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