NGC 1333 - The Embryo Nebula
NGC 1333, The Embryo Nebula is a combination of a dark and reflection nebula located in the constellation Pegasus. It is between 960 and 1140 ly away from earth, being part of the Perseus molecular cloud, and is a young region of very active star formation. It contains several star clusters that are still embeded in the molecular cloud in which they formed. The region is has a mass of approximately 450 million solar masses.
The dramatic contrast between the dark areas of the nebula and the colourful areas where it reflects starlight are striking, and are my favourite features of this object.
This image was taken the nights of November 27th and December 13th of 2022.
It was shot through 8” Celestron EdgeHD at F7 using a ZWO ASI2600MM Pro through an LRGB filter set. The equipment was mounted on a Celestrong CGEM-DX.
Each color received 2h of exposure, and the luminance channel was exposed for 7h36m for a total integration of 13h36’ all in 180s subexposures.
This image was taken from my backyard observatory, just outside of the the village of White Lake, Ontario.