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01 Horsehead Panorama

01 Horsehead Panorama

ldquo;Horsehead Panoramardquo; including the Alnitak, the Flame Nebula, and the Horsehead Nebula illustrates the variety of emission, dark, and reflection nebulae in this part of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex. To me this is the most dramatic scene in the deep sky, giving a graphic impression of the depth and layering of the various elements. br/The sub images were taken on 2015 February 17 from Sky Trails Observatory in Summerland, B.C. A Borg 101E apo in f/4.2 astrograph mode was used with a modified Canon XSi DSLR operating at ISO 1600 with an IDAS V3 filter. Twelve 10-minute guided exposures were combined with 10 dark frames and processed with ImagesPlus software.
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