The-Rosette Emission Nebula
The Rossette Nebula proved to be a good target for me early in my foray into deep sky imaging. It is both reasonably bright (magnitude 5.85) and conveniently sized (80 x 60 arcminutes) – an ideal object for a medium-sized refractor telescope like my second-hand Stellarvue SVR-90 Raptor. This relatively easy image also required remarkably little post-processing (not counting my initial errors that more experienced astrophotographers kindly helped me to overcome.)
Telescope: Stellarvue SVR-90 Raptor with 0.8 focal reducer (f/5.6, focal length 504 mm)
Mount: Celestron AVX
Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI294MC Pro
Guide Scope: Celestron 9 x 50 mm
Guide Camera: Orion StarShoot AutoGuider
Filter: ZWO Duo-Band
Controller: ZWO ASIAIR Plus.
Software: Deep Sky Stacker, PhotoShop
Imaging: 50 x 5 minutes (gain = 120)
Integration: 4 hours 10 minutes
Dates: December 22, 2023