12B-Asteroid Movement-Pt.2
ldquo;Ceres in the Whale ndash; Pt.2rdquo;br/ As I continued my efforts to record Ceres through the star-field of Cetus (The Whale) I waited over 3 weeks to set-up my recording gear as close as possible to my initial arrangement in my backyard. I donrsquo;t have an observatory where I can leave my gear in place. I used a Sigma 70-300mm zoom lens to frame my images, but you will note that my framing is off slightly from my November imaging to my December results. However, I successfully recorded the ldquo;keystonerdquo; in Cetus in both images and that was sufficient to capture significant movement of Ceres in the allotted timeframe. I have taken the liberty to label some main sequence stars of Cetus and the asteroid Ceres. By simply comparing 12A to 12B it will be obvious which object has moved (Ceres).br/ Details: December 6, 2007, in Otonabee-South Monaghan Township, Peterborough County, Ontario.br/ Canon 400D with Sigma lens tracking ldquo;piggy backrdquo; on a Meade ETX 90 telescope, at ISO 1600, 30 sec., f/4.5, 92mm (Photoshop used to crop and enhance)