06 Planetary M27 Dumbbell
White Dwarf Splendourbr/ M27 is located in the constellation Vulpecula. This bright planetary nebula is sometimes referred to as the 'Apple Core' nebula due to its overall shape. At its centre is a faint white dwarf which is visible in this image. While waiting on another project that was too low in the sky to begin imaging, I slewed my telescope over to M27 to capture some data without knowing what to expect. To my surprise, this image appears almost 3 dimensional with detail that I had never expected. I plan to capture even more data in the future.br/ Acquisition Details: Esprit 150ED, ASIAIR, ASI2600MM, EQ8-Rh Pro, Astronomik 6nm HO filters, 300 second subs at Gain 100. Bortle 5 skies. Integration time: a mere 5 hours and 45 minutes.