04 Pacman 2014 TS
August 30, 2014, Port Mouton, Nova Scotia
80 90 second photos, 20 darks ISO 1600
Canon T3i (modified), 8″ Sky-Watcher Newtonian Astrograph, CGEM mount, Tele Vue coma corrector, Sky Watcher 80-mm ED and Orion Starshooter with PhD for guiding.
Each photo stacked and processed initially in Images Plus. Multipoint mask used to reduce vignetting. Stretched in IP Digital Development. Colour balanced and background neutralized. Used star mask in IP to correct star shapes. Used luminance mask when enhancing colours in IP. Used Star Size in IP to reduce star sizes.
A big (20 x 30 arcminute) field of H II suitable for my wide field view F4.4 Newtonian Astrograph. After this session I returned my Tele Vue coma corrector for a new one as this one never gave me round stars at the edges. This necessitated using the star shape and size apps in Images Plus to correct the stars in processing.