06 M22 June 2014 TS
June 2, 2014, Port Mouton
Canon T1i, 8″ Sky-Watcher Newtonian Astrograph, CGEM mount, Tele Vue coma corrector, Sky-Watcher 80-mm ED and Orion Starshooter with PhD for guiding.
41 60-second raw photos, 11 darks
Each photo stacked and processed initially in Images Plus. Stretched in IP Digital Development. Colour balanced and background neutralized.
M22, after the Andromeda Galaxy, is my favourite deep-sky object for people to find using binoculars when I do outreach. It is considerably larger and brighter than M13 and very easy for novices to find with binoculars, just above the Teapot. As it is in line with the Milky Way, it is difficult to distinguish its outer edges from the stars in our galaxy in this photograph. When looking at M3 I can clearly see its extent, but that is not the case here.