M16 Eagle Nebula
It was a bit late in the season to capture this target from our rental cottage near the North Frontenac Dark Sky Preserve, but August 31 was a nice clear night and I took exposures until it disappeared behind the trees. I am amazed that my little telescope here on Earth can capture the recognizable shape of the quot;Pillars of Creationquot; made so famous by the Hubble Telescope!br/ Date: 2022-08-31br/ Location: Ardoch, North Frontenac, ONbr/ Equipment: Z73 + ASI178MCbr/ Settings: 30s exposures, gain 270, stack of 62 lights, 20 darks, 40 flats, 40 flat darksbr/ Processing: PixInsight for stacking, background neutralization, colour calibration, stretching, noise reduction and star erosion. Photoshop Elements for final resizing, sharpening and signature.