4 Spiral galaxy 2 - M 81
Date: Imaged 2 January 2019 (10:23 pm) br/Location: Berwick, NS br/Equipment: Orion 80mm f6 ED-triplet refractor/ ZWO ASI224MC CMOS camera with UV/IR cut filter; prime focus, unguided; gain 275, 30 sec exposure/EQ6-R mount. br/Processing: 127 subs and 30 darks were captured as RGB24/PNG images, which were then stacked using DeepSkyStacker without any other adjustments to the stacked image. Photoshop CS2 was used to adjust levels, curves (stretching data), and color balance/saturation, as well as for noise reduction. StarTools was used for gradient removal. Microsoft Photo was used to tweak clarity, contrast, highlights, shadows, and exposure of the final jpg image. br/Comments: Messier 81 is a large, bright, spiral galaxy located in the constellation Ursa Major. Messier 81 is notable for the supermassive black hole at its centre. Johann Bode discovered Messier 81 several years prior to its re-identification by Charles Messier in 1779. Messier 81 is a popular target at outreach events.