8 Open cluster 2 - M 35
Date: Imaged 28 September 2019 (04:10 am) br/Location: Halifax, NS br/Equipment: Orion 80mm f6 ED-triplet refractor/ ZWO ASI183MC CMOS camera with UV/IR cut and LP filters; prime focus, unguided; gain 320, 30 sec exposure/EQ6-R mount. br/Processing: 90 subs, 30 darks, and 30 flats were captured as RAW16/FITS images. All images were debayered with PIPP. Debayered images were saved as TIF images, which were then stacked using DeepSkyStacker without any other adjustments to the stacked image. Photoshop CS2 was used to adjust levels, curves (stretching data), and color balance/saturation, as well as for noise reduction. Microsoft Photo was used to tweak clarity, contrast, highlights, shadows, and exposure of the final jpg image. br/Comments: Located in the constellation Gemini, Messier 35 is a large open cluster that covers an area almost the size of the full Moon. Also visible in this wide-field image is the compact open cluster NGC 2158, which lies to the southwest of Messier 35.