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Labour Day Aurora_04Sep2022_resize

Labour Day Aurora_04Sep2022_resize

"Labour Day Aurora" 04-Sep-2022 11:04pm
Tripod mounted Canon EOS M3 w/EF-M 18-150 zoom lens (ISO3200, f/3.5, 13sec, 18mm f.l.)
Captured on the East bank of the Ottawa River near Sheenboro, PQ. The camera was setup on the beach looking NNW. I was fortunate to be in the right place at the right time for this aurora. It lasted for about an hour, and was the brightest aurora I have ever seen. I did have one technical problem: in my excitement I left a haze filter on the camera which caused a Newton's Rings pattern in the middle of all my aurora images. This image has the rings removed by applying a "Gaussian blur" followed by an "add colour noise".
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