07 Saturn
07 Saturn (stackedimage)-Imaged 7 June 2018-Halifax/120mm f8.3 refractorand 2x Barlow/ZWO ASI120MC-S CMOS camera; prime focusimage; gain 50, 0.08 sec exposure/HEQ5 mount-3244 frames from a RGB24/AVI file were stacked using AutoStakkert 3. Registax 6 was used for wavelets, final tweaks to color, contrast and lighting were performed using Photoshop CS2.-The Cassini Division shows up quite nicely due to favorable orientation of the rings, as does the shadow cast on the rings by the planet. The North Equatorial Belt is also visible. Saturn’s moon Titan is located to the right of the planet between 2 and 3 o’clock.