03 Moon with crater detail_stacked
03 Moon showing craters in detail (stacked image)-Imaged 12 June 2019-Halifax/203mm f10 Schmidt Cassegrain/ZWO ASI224MC CMOS camera with IR pass filter; prime focus image; gain 150, 0.06 sec exposure/EQ6-R mount-240 frames from a RAW16/SER file were stacked using AutoStakkert 3. Registax 6 was used for wavelets, final tweaks to contrast and lighting were performed using Photoshop CS2 and Microsoft Photo.-Copernicus crater with its 3 central peaks is prominent in this image. Inner walls of the crater are terraced and landslides on the floor of the crater are visible. Crater rays extend into eastern Oceanus Procellarum.The crater Reinhold lies to the south and the Montes Carpatus are to the north. The crater Eratosthenes lies to the east, also with terraced wall and central peaks.