M45 aka The Pleiadesbr/1. spectacular open cluster which happens to be transiting a dust cloud resulting in extensive reflection nebulosity; in Taurusbr/2. Canon 60Da, Takahashi Sky90 with reducer/corrector 90mm f/4.5, 50mm f/4 guide scope with ZWO ASI120MC guide camera, iOptron iEQ45 mountbr/3. 110 x 60s at ISO1600 plus 5 x 60s with fake spider over scope objective for diffraction spikesbr/4. many images were trailed, the best 64 were stacked in Siril followed by colour balance, noise reduction, and histogram equalization. The lsquo;spikyrsquo; versions were stacked separately. The spiky and non-spiky stacks were aligned in Maxim and then opened as layers in Photoshop. The transparency on the spiky layer was reduced to taste, then the image was enhanced as a whole.