7 Mercury and Mars Conjunction
Title: Mercury and Mars Conjunction
Date: Imaged 18 June 2019 (9:57 pm)
Location: Halifax, NS
Equipment: Tripod-mounted Canon Rebel T3 DSLR at ISO-100 at prime focus with 80mm f/5 Orion ShortTube refractor; 1.3 sec exposure.
Processing: A single 20 sec exposure was captured in RAW16 format and converted to TIFF format using Canon’s Digital Photo Professional. Photoshop CS2 was used to remove a couple of blemishes caused by dust motes on the camera sensor.
Comments: In this image, Mercury (top) is less than 0.25 degree apart from Mars (bottom). Mercury, which appears white-yellow in hue, is substantially brighter than Mars, which is clearly reddish in hue. Both planets are in the constellation Gemini.