3 Summer Crescent Moon
Title: Summer Crescent Moon
Date: Imaged 17 July 2018 (9:12 pm)
Location: Halifax, NS
Equipment: Tripod-mounted Olympus E-330 DSLR at ISO-400 and prime focus with 80mm f/5 Orion ShortTube refractor; 1/100 sec exposure.
Processing: A single 1/100 sec exposure was captured in RAW16 format and converted to TIFF format using Olympus software. Photoshop CS2 was used to adjust levels and color balance/saturation, as well as for noise removal. Microsoft Photo was used to tweak clarity, contrast, highlights, shadows, and exposure of the final jpg image.
Comments: The Moon is 29.3% illuminated, showing a nice color and a crescent shape. The sky appears dark due to the short exposure used when capturing this image. Mare Crisium and
Mare Fecunditatis are clearly visible, as well as crater Langrenus on the east side of Mare Fecunditatis.