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Emission Nebula ngc6888

Emission Nebula ngc6888

The Crescent Nebula in Cygnus is also called Caldwell 27, NGC 6888 and Sh 2-105 br/Taken with a QSI540 camera thru a 14quot; C14 Hyperstar setup and CGE Pro mount in 2011-09-05 at home just outside of Didsbury Albertabr/Guided with a Star Shoot autoguider camera on a Orion Short Tube 80br/ The Hyperstar lens takes the C14 at F10 to a F2br/After finding out that the quot;Soap Bubblequot; was discovered by and amateur astronomer in 2007, I made my after 3 years of failing, I figured it outbr/ It is a faint Oiii object. 6x900 sec Ha , 6x900 sec Oiii (at F2)br/ Red=Ha Green=Oiii67%+Ha33% Blue=Oiiibr/ The strength of the Oiii is shown in The Crescentbr/ The Soap Bubble (PN-G75.5+1.7) was finally showing
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