Comet Atlas C/2020 and The Tadpole Nebula
By luck I happened to capture C/2020, the Atlas comet. while imaging the Tadpole Nebula IC This was a pretty exciting surprise. Look for the hazy bluish green to find it. If you zoom in you can make out what looks like some features of the comet's cloud. I see an almost horizontal darker line separating the top and bottom half of the cloud. I believe that this is because I stacked this as a deep sky object, not a comet. I'll have to return to this and stack it in reference to the telescope / lensbr/ Celestron Cassegrain 203/2032 mm EdgeHD8br/ Starizona Lens 290 mmbr/ Imaging camerabr/ ZWO Optical ASI 1600 MM Pro (CMOS)br/ Mountbr/ Equatorial Losmandy GM811Gbr/ Guiding telescope / lensbr/ Astromania Refractor 60/240 mm Astromania 60br/ Guiding camerabr/ ZWO Optical ASI 178 MC (CMOS)br/ Lights (filter H-alpha)30 x 180 secbr/ Lights (filter OIII)30 x 180 secbr/ Lights (filter SII)30 x 180 secbr/ Total lights integration time4:30 hours