The Squid Nebula (inside The Bat)
I knew heading into this project that it would require many hours. I know that my Hyperstar system is very good at imaging faint targetsbr/ I was still shocked at how hard it was to extract the little blue squid known as Ou4br/ Shot June 16, 17 and 18 2021 from Ottawa Ontariobr/ Celestron 11quot; SCT telescope, Hyperstar reducer, 540mm f/1.9br/ Camera ASI2600MMbr/ 27x180 lights Astronomik 12nm HA filterbr/ 73x300 lights Astronomik 12nm Oxygen filterbr/ Guided on a CGEM mount with the ASI290MM guide camera, acquisition software ASIAIRbr/ Calibrated with darks, flats and dark flatsbr/ RGB image created in the HOO colour palettesbr/ Processed in PixInsight and Photoshop