Jupiter with a moon
Date: 2022-09-29
3 days after Jupiter's opposition 2022
This is taken on the evening of September 29, 2022
Seeing condition was very good.
I am glad to see improvements on my Juptier photos since I started in 2016. I take pictures of Jupiter may be a few times a year.
You can see one of Jupiter's moons, Callisto, on the upper left.
Scope: Sky-watcher 350P Flextube SynScan Dobsonian
Camera: PlayerOne Mars-C
Barlow: Televue 3X
Accessory: ZWO ADC
Time: September 30, UT 0000-0025
Exposure: 25x60s
Shutter: 5ms
FPS: 158
Gain: 265
ROI: 1112x934
Altitude: 45 degrees
Angular size: 49.85"
Distance from earth: 591Million km