Sun - CaK Calcium Line - Full Disk
Sun - CaK Calcium Line Filter - Full Disk
* Date: May 5, 2023 @15:52 EDT
* Location: Riverdale, Toronto, ON
* Equipment:
* Optics: Astrotech AT60ED fl:360mm
* Camera: ZWO AS174MM Camera
* Filter: Antlia Calcium K Line Filter
* Mount: SkyWatcher AZ GTi mount.
* Settings: exp.0.0001 sec (100 microseconds), gain 100 (Source File: 154940075.mp4)
* Steps taken for picture: video capture using the Android ASICap App on my smartphone, processed in PIPP, Autostakkert and Registax, best 5% of 8500 frames. I really love how the faculae and white markings are so much more prominent in CaK. I would love to try imaging in H-alpha.