Comet 2022 E3
I had only two nights in late January, 2023, with short windows of clear skies between North Pacific storms, to attempt to image this fast-moving comet. On the first night, I tried using a 135 mm Rokinon lens to ensure that I could capture the entire tail of the comet that was predicted to be remarkably long. The tail turned out to be much shorter than predicted, and I decided to switch to a refractor telescope with a 500 mm focal length for the second night. Then, after only a short window of time, clouds from the next Pacific storm abruptly curtailed my imaging session. Fortunately, it was enough to produce a viable image.
Telescope: Stellarvue SVR- 90 Raptor with 0.8 focal reducer (f/5.6, focal length 504 mm)
Mount: Sky-Watcher HEQ5
Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI294MC Pro
Filter: Optolong 2” L-Pro
Controller: ZWO ASIAIR Plus.
Software: PixInsight, PhotoShop
Imaging (gain = 120): 25 x 180 seconds (used only 19 exposures)
Integration: 1 hour and 15 minutes (used only 57 minutes)
Date: Jan 28, 2023