Location: Twin Island in Sand Lake, about 300m south of my residence near Elgin ONbr/Time and date: 2020-07-15 0310UTbr/Equipment and settings: Canon 60Da at ISO3200, Sigma 18-50 f/2.8 at 31mm f/2.8, tripod-mounted, 15 x 10s exposures manually aligned and stacked in Photoshop CS4br/Planning: I knew the comet would not be visible from home so I determined to canoe to 'Twin Island' in the lake where I would have a very low northern horizon. A barn door tracker and CT battery eliminator for power would enable the tracked exposures I The comet was to the north of my house, deep in the trees, so I had to canoe all my equipment over to a small island in the lake. Mosquitoes were absolutely horrendous in spite of this being a very small island several hundred metres from shore so I had to paddle back to the house to apply insect repellent which was only marginally effective. I had brought long my barn door tracker to do longer exposures but the power supply I had was dead in spite of having been charged (apparently successfully from the green LED) all day. So I had to settle for increasing the ISO and using exposures short enough to minimize trailing with stacking after the fact. I also couldn't use my AC power supply for the camera so the camera battery died and I had to canoe back to the house for a fresh this was a nice dark night, very still so the comet was reflected beautifully in the lake (much moreso than even the photo shows as the very well dark adapted eye was able to see more of the reflection and to 'integrate' over the very small ripples that elongate the reflected stars in the image. I was not expecting this comet to be nearly this spectacular as it was my first evening expedition to see it. I spent several hours out on the lake into the middle of the night, canoeing, swimming off the island, and sitting watching the comet naked eye and with 15x70 binos.