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03 First Quarter Moon

03 First Quarter Moon

I was taking pictures of the first quarter moon at the end of a stay at a cottage near the North Frontenac Dark Sky Preserve. I was experimenting with various ways of attaching my camera to my new telescope. Eyepiece projection gave the best results, but it was excessively tricky to aim and steady the camera in the right position with respect to the eyepiece. When I processed the pictures afterwards, I also happened to be reading a Sky News magazine that had an article about the Lunar X and Lunar V. Coincidentally, I had captured those features without realizing it at the 2020-08-25br/ Time: 21:45 EDTbr/ Location: Farm Lake, Ardoch, ONbr/ Equipment: William Optics Z73, 32 mm eyepiece, Canon M100 mirrorless camera with kit lensbr/ Settings: Camera lens at F=45 mm (eyepiece projection), 1/15 s, ISO400br/ Stack of 5 frames processed using AutoStakkert 3.1.4, and GIMP 2.10.18.
Subcategory:Night Sky
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