M31 - The Andromeda Galaxy
This rare and seldom imaged galaxy .. Oops! M31, nuff said!br/ br/ Camera: Apogee U16Mbr/ Scope: Takahashi FSQ F/5 Fluorite Refractor w Robofocusbr/ Mount: Paramount ME guided w e-Finder on ST-402br/ Exposures: 10 x 5 min Luminance, 4 x 5 min RB, 3 x 5 min Gbr/ Acquired in CCDSoft5, TheSky6 and CCD-Commanderbr/ Calibration and channels combined in Maxim;br/ Minor sharpening of the Luminance, Levels and curves in PS CS4br/ Location and Date: Flesherton, Ontario; July 2010