This is the best single frame from a video of Venus when only 3 days before inferior conjunction about 8º North of the Sun. Shot with a Canon 60Da in crop video mode on a Takahashi Sky90II with Extender-Q (90mm f/9). This is from the parking area north of the house and looking over the house so the seeing was very poor. Attempts were made to stack bunches of images but most of the images were so poor that the stacks also were poor. The event was also imaged with a ZWO ASI120MC on the Boltwood 0.4m f/4.7 Newtonian but images were also very poor. The event was by far the best visually at various magnifications as the eye could see portions of the extremely thin crescent (like a fine white eyelash in the blue sky) popping in and out within the general blur. The crescent was probably only about 90º long.