16 Uranus and Mars in Pisces
This was a particularly rewarding experience for me since it was the first time that I had been able to locate either of the two dimmest planets without the “go-to” electronics on my telescope. I didn’t identify it on-site, though. Without a telescope, I located the constellation, Pisces, took this picture with my camera (at 20:23 on Jan 25, 2019), and then searched for Uranus in the photograph with the help of a star chart the next day. For me, it was a slow process. I would likely have succumbed to hypothermia in the near-freezing, high-elevation atmosphere at 2800 m on Mauna Kea where I took the picture if I had tried to locate Uranus on-site. I am hoping that when I next have an opportunity to photograph Uranus to track its movement, I’ll be able to identify it more quickly. Capture details: Canon 5D camera on a fixed mount, 24-105 mm zoom lens set to 24 mm, aperture 5.6, exposure time 10 sec, ISO 3200.