19 Lunar Eclipse Widefield with Inset
This wide-field image was taken from the summit of Haleakala on Maui, shortly after totality had set in on January 20, 2019. The moon is in the lower-left corner just outside the Winter Hexagon. The bright stars forming the corners of the hexagon are, clockwise from the Moon, Procyon, Sirius, Rigel, Aldebaran, Capella, and Castor, with its twin, Pollux, guiding the viewer back to the moon. A close-up view at full resolution also shows a faint nebulosity in the centre star of Orion’s sword showing the presence of the spectacular Orion Nebula. The seeing conditions, well above the low-elevation clouds visible just over the horizon in this picture, were so good that I wished I had been able to have a telescope with me. Capture details: For main image: Canon 5D camera on a fixed mount, 24-105 mm zoom lens set to 24 mm, aperture 5.6, exposure time 10 sec, ISO 3200. For inset: As above but with 100-400 mm zoom lens set to 200 mm, aperture 14, exposure time 10 sec, ISO 1600.