ldquo;Comet 17P/Holmesrdquo; br/Over a 9 day period from late October (2007) to early November, Comet Holmes erupted as it did 115 years previously. This comet has a short period of 7 years and is usually around 17th magnitude on its visits near Earth, but when I heard of the recent eruption to 3rd magnitude, I had to try and record it for myself and it was easy to find, as it was bright and obvious hanging in the constellation of Perseus. In fact, the brightest star in my image to the upper right of Comet Holmesrsquo;s glowing nucleus, is Mirfak (Alpha Persei), at 1.8 magnitude. It is times like this that make you appreciate being alive at the right time in history!br/Details: November 10, 2007, in Otonabee-South Monaghan Township, Peterborough County, Ontario.br/Canon 400D with Sigma lens tracking ldquo;piggy backrdquo; on a Meade ETX 90 telescope, at ISO 1600, 30 sec., f/5.0, 214mm