IC5070 aka The Pelican Nebula
Pelican Nebula - IC5070 in Cygnus. One of my 1st images using the new Kodak 8300 imaging sensor and 1st successful using SBIG's off-axis guider. Diffraction spikes were added by putting 2 pieces of black thread across the lens shade. This helps bring out the star colours.br/Scope: Takahashi FSQ-106, 530mm at f5br/ Camera: SBIG ST-F8300M with OAG and ST-i guide camera, Baader RGB filtersbr/ Mount: Astro-Physics 900QMDbr/ Exposures: 6 x 10 minutes per colour, binned 1x1br/ Images acquired using MaximDL 5br/ Calibration in MaximDL 5; PixInsight Lite and Photoshop CS5br/ Location and Date: Wilson Coulee Observatory, Alberta; Sept 11 2012